Friday, November 24, 2017

arangoDB Start as service

Restart the database:
  • sudo service arangodb start
Restart the database:
  • sudo service arangodb restart

Bind ArangoDB to the Public Network Interface

Configure ArangoDB to listen on the public network interface. First, open the /etc/arangodb/arangod.conf file for editing:
  • sudo nano /etc/arangodb/arangod.conf
Locate the active endpoint line, which should be at the end of the [server] block below a section of examples. Update the setting as shown below, using your own server's IP address, and port 8529.

. . .

endpoint = tcp://your_server_ip:8529
Since arangosh uses its own default configuration, we need to change the endpoint in the /etc/arangodb/arangosh.conf file too:
  • sudo nano /etc/arangodb/arangosh.conf
Again, make sure the endpoint line is set to tcp://your_server_ip:8529.
pretty-print = true

endpoint = tcp://your_server_ip:8529
disable-authentication = true

. . .

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