Monday, July 9, 2018

Entity Annotator from git (annotator-marginalia)


To setup :

Annotator.js plugin for creating and displaying annotations in the margin of a page.
Marginalia is developed for Annotator 2.x


annotator-marginalia is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
##Using Marginalia To use this plugin in your Annotator project, include the required javascript and css, and initialize it as an annotator module with a optional configuration.
See installation instructions for more details.

Developer Notes

This project uses git-flow branching conventions.
To view the jekyll site for development, you should do the following:
  • make sure you are on the develop branch
  • make sure you have jekyll installed
  • run the site via jekyll: jekyll serve
To install grunt utilities for building releases, run: npm install
Released versions are published through GitHub site pages, which are served out from the gh-pages branch. Following git-flow conventions, this should be an exact replica of the master branch. As a convenience, to update the gh-pages branch from master and push it to github, you may want to configure the following alias in your .git/config for this project:
    publish-pages = "!rm -rf build && git checkout gh-pages && git merge master && grunt && git add 'build/*' && git commit 'build/*' -m 'Latest build' && git push origin gh-pages && git checkout -"
Whenever you tag a new release you want to be available as a version that can be included from the github pages url, you should do the following (or use the alias above):
  • update the version number in package.json
  • use gitflow to tag the release
  • checkout gh-pages branch, update from master and run grunt
  • add the build version of annotator.meltdown.min.js and css to gh-pages branch

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