Thursday, June 21, 2018

Install Python on Ubuntu (Anaconda)

Install Python on Ubuntu (Anaconda)

Install Anaconda on Ubuntu
The video above demonstrates one way to install anaconda which is good if you want to follow manually install anaconda (just be sure to open a new terminal or type source .bashrc after you finish the install).
The way below utilizes bash scripts which is a faster way to install anaconda. This should work on Ubuntu 12.04 (precise), 14.04 (trusty), and 16.04 ( xenial).
  1. Open a new terminal.
  2. Copy and paste the paste commands from either gist (python 2 or 3) below on the terminal
Python 2 Anaconda Ubuntu
Python 3 Anaconda Ubuntu
The files are from the Anaconda installer archive.

Optional Steps

The following are just optional things to get started on now that you have anaconda installed.
1. (optional) A good way to test your anaconda installation is to open and use a Jupyter Notebook. Type the command below in your terminal to open a Jupyter (IPython) Notebook.
jupyter notebook
If you want a basic tutorial going over how to open Jupyter and using python, please see the following video.
Python Basics 1: Hello World + Strings
A blog version of the video can be found here.
2. If you want to use both python 2 and 3, please see the following tutorial on Environment Management with Conda.
3. I often get asked how to started with machine learning, here is a step by step tutorial on getting started with machine learning.
Please let me know if you have any questions! You can either leave a comment here or leave me a comment on youtube. The youtube video has a ton of questions on it answered already (please subscribe if you can)!

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