Saturday, July 14, 2018

Apache OpenNLP Tutorial – NER Prediction

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Named Entity Extraction Example in openNLP

Named Entity Extraction Example in openNLP – In this openNLP tutorial, we shall try entity extraction from a sentence using openNLP pre-built models, that were already trained to find the named entity.

What is Named Entity Recognition/Extraction (NER)?

Named Entity Recognition is a task of finding the named entities that could possibly belong to categories like persons, organizations, dates, percentages, etc., and categorize the identified entity to one of these categories.

How Named Entity Extraction is done in openNLP ?

In openNLP, Named Entity Extraction is done using statistical models, i.e., machine learning techniques. Coming to specifics, Maxent modeling is used. 

Example: Named Entity Extraction Example in openNLP

The following example, shows how to use NameFinderME class to extract named entities, person and place.
When the example program, is run, the output to console is:
The project structure and the model file location, etc., is shown below:

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